Earth Day 2015: Planting trees in 5+ countries

by | Mar 19, 2015

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The 22nd April is Earth Day, a day on which events are held worldwide to show support for environmental protection and to give back to the planet.

As a green agency, we at Serps Invaders are committed to doing our part in protecting the environment on an everyday basis. For this reason, we recycle at the office, we don’t travel to a place without more than one meeting scheduled, we hold as many meetings as possible via conference calls, just to mention a few, to minimise our carbon footprint.

This year, for Earth Day, we have committed ourselves to planting trees in 5+ countries on two continents: so far we are planning to plant trees in Scotland, Spain, Gibraltar, Germany and the US!

Trees have such a vital impact on the environment, as they clean the air off pollutants and absorb CO2, so they reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced by mankind. By planting trees we can help reduce the negative effects of deforestation such as soil erosion and water runoff after storms.

We have pledged to plant trees as it is for an important cause with our friends at ForestNation who we have previously worked with on a pro bono basis through our programme of giving back. We think every business should give back and we do this by annually choosing non-profits or social enterprises and giving away free consultancy time.

A few weeks ago we planted our seedlings at the office and we are excited to plant them out in nature on the 22nd April.

We will be sure to keep you updated on the progress of our trees and share pictures with you once they are planted. Also make sure to check out our Twitter and Facebook accounts for any updates.

Are you participating in an event for Earth Day? We would love to hear about it so be sure to share it in the comments!

Article written by

Serps Invaders

Serps Invaders

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